Questions on New Health Care Options? CSS’s Elisabeth Benjamin Answers Them on CNN Money Chat

CNNMoney will be hosting a Facebook live chat on Friday, September 20, at 2:30 p.m. to answer questions about the Affordable Care Act and to help Americans understand what it means for them.

Our VP for Health Initiatives Elisabeth Benjamin will join experts Judy Solomon, VP for health policy at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and Timothy Jost, health policy law professor at Washington & Lee University School of Law, to answer your questions on health care reform and the new health insurance marketplaces that are launching this fall.

On October 1 of this year, state-based health insurance marketplaces will begin enrolling people in health plans for coverage starting on January 1, 2014. Many people are still confused about the law, and unsure of what kinds of health insurance or financial help will be available to them.

Here in New York, the official health plan marketplace is called the New York State of Health. Consumers will be able to enroll in insurance plans directly through the website, or by phone.

The state has also designated several organizations to serve as In-Person Assistors, or Navigators, to help New Yorkers gain coverage through the marketplace. As a statewide Navigator serving 61 New York counties, the Community Service Society will work through a network of 39 sub-contracting agencies around the state to help individuals and small businesses sign up for health plans and access tax credits and subsidies through the marketplace.

If you have questions but are unable to participate in the live chat, the questions and answers will still be available to readers after the event has concluded.   Just visit the event page here

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Access to Health Care