Press Release

CSS Statement on Agreement to Legalize Marijuana in NYS

It is the dawn of a new day as lawmakers have reached an agreement to legalize marijuana in the State of New York. This legislation is monumental, and once passed will be one of the most advanced in the nation with equity, reinvestment, and justice at its core. It is the result of years of hard work, in particular that of the StartSmart Coalition, whose powerful organizing centers individuals who are directly impacted and advocates dedicated to the fight for what their communities deserve. As important, this phenomenal result is due to the tireless work of legislative champions including State Senator Liz Krueger and Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes, who drafted, sponsored, and stood steadfast behind the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act and its equity provisions.

New York will now lead the nation in legalizing adult-use marijuana in a way that is responsive to the massive problems generated by criminalization. For years advocates have been calling for a significant portion of marijuana tax revenue to be reinvested in the communities that have disproportionately borne the worst of the arrest crusade and are now doubly impacted by COVID-19 deaths, job losses, and business closures. This bill, once passed, will create social equity and new jobs. It will also erase the mark of a criminal record by automatically expunging all conviction records now suffered by those previously convicted under the marijuana laws that are being repealed.

The Community Service Society looks forward to the Legislature passing the bill and the Governor's signature on this historic reform, which will serve as a model for what change should look like as we continue to fight for an equitable New York.

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