Fair Fares and the Bronx

The latest findings from Community Service Society’s 2017 annual Unheard Third survey highlight how the Bronx—the borough with the highest poverty rate in the city—would benefit from half-fare MetroCards for those living below poverty.

Twenty-eight percent of working age, poor Bronxites report that they regularly struggle to afford bus and subway fares. As a result, nearly a third are less likely seek job opportunities farther from where they live and many face challenges getting to necessary appointments for medical care and other needs.  Making transit more affordable would ease access to higher education, training, jobs and services – in short all the things needed to get ahead economically. 

Not surprisingly, the proposal for income-based transit discounts which draws strong support citywide, is especially popular in the Bronx:  eight in ten residents favor the idea, including nearly three-quarters who strongly support it. 


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